Olympic 2061
San Diego, California

I do not follow organized sports, however I do admire the athleticism involved. It might have something to do with my past life being a diver, having a real in-depth experience with formal athletic pressure. Yes, it promotes fitness but that fitness would never be recognized with out a ranking system. That system is more important than the player involved, hence all the system bending is over looked... that goes for everything when dealing with a top shot lifestyle.
The discipline within sport is what I appreciate. I support the players, not the game. Rules alike, I like to see them pressed and broken. Olympic pressure can be felt far past the playing fields. Gold. Silver. Bronze. Three tiers of flex. I am gesturing toward the of the elite winners circle in life - a maximum tailgate party designed for the ones who can take it all the way - the parking lot is packed and there's a line around the stadium, who in? Photos by Mike Selsky

Olympic 2061
Acrylic, Graphite and Oil Pastel on Canvas
100 x 160 cm

Olympic for Stephen
Acrylic, Graphite and Oil Pastel on Canvas
140 x 160 cm